Thursday, March 20, 2008
March 20 - Mystery Be Wrought
Harriet and I at leisure, watching Jesse Stone: Sea Change, with surprisingly good photography, for an athletic adventure, then writing up Anton Webern for and we're off to Napa yet again on this
Thursday of vacation week... unquestionably Holy Week...
The seemingly requisite shot of the Wine Guy, perhaps attempting to increase the Passover supply --
which brings to mind Op. 55 The Passion According to St. Matthew: II. Where Will You Go?, here in a rustic instrumental rendition, soon to be over at
First it's back to Dry Creek Road, with stately palms as part of three distinct Northern California transplanted residential tree groups --
eucalyptus, redwood, and palm --
all grander than
the not-quite-a-mansion
which they shelter.
Past the spire
of the local Mormon ward (its lower roof nicely compromised by the gentle arc of the Vaca Mountians),
a path of the preserved open space opens up (and it is at this point that the melody to Vocal Sonatina No. 2 ["Vatsyayana"]: I. Introductory appears),
with oaks and a stump
squinting in and
arboreally eclipsing the disc of the rabid sun.
Back and
beyond, Castle Peak
the rise of the upland toward the outland Mayacamas;
a dragon aloft and
there is.
All that's left is a taste of local vintage
with the Napa sized-bottle and white-shirt brigade.
Back home on this first full rebirthing day of Spring,
the music and words of first movement Vatsyayana, the latter much reduced from yesterday -- mostly whole notes to be performed freely; and, unlike accompaniment, G Dorian/Lydian/Minor mix.
Lord of Beings
Do Me Do Te
men and women
La Le Me Do
Do Me Mi
Sol Fi Me Re
Do Me Do Te La Le
Do Me Mi
Do Me Mi Sol Te Do
Do Me Do Te
composed his work
La Le Me Do
small volume
Do Me Mi
as an abstract
Sol Fi Me Re
of the whole
Do Me Do Te La Le Me Do