What did we do yesterday?
What did we do yesterday?
Why . . . (Angrily.) Nothing is certain when you're about.
In my opinion we were here.
(looking around) You recognize this place?
I didn't say that.
That makes no difference.
All the same . . . that tree . . .
bent from the mostly relentless wind . . . that Mt. Diablo dead ahead . . .
that Sulfur Springs Mountain and half Long Barn . . .
that Rohan . . .
that Hovel Hills flyby . . .
(back later - have to do the program for tomorrow's Horsewomen of the Apocalypse: The White Horse event)
O.K. back. Where was I? Oh, yes. Out.
Theory dictation is the ever-popular When I Am Laid in Earth from Henry Purcell's
Dido and Aeneas,
first phrase melodically, as Do Re Me Me Re Mi Fa Mi Re Do Ti Do Ti Sol Le Sol Fa Me Re Me,
with that classic (baroquic?) descending bassline of Do Do Ti Te La Le Sol Me Fa Sol Sol Do, which can be harmonized as G: i i V65 I2 (or V2 of IV) IV6 iv6 V i6 IV i64 V i, despite a bit to the contrary below...
Will we get around to harmonizing the preceeding recitative?
Probably not this semester (though a fragment will be on the quiz), due to Monday holiday. Not that we're complaining....
In the lab thereafter, recording Horn Concerto: III Allegro
(how trombonist Kevin Grant and company used to make a sing-along of this in the hallway), and the piano-accompaniment version of Violin Concerto: I Allegro aperto
the latter beginning a new album, Angles and Divots.
Return over the Benicia, with views of the Mothball Fleet,
detour on Abernathy, up Suisun Valley with a head-on view of Twin Sisters (now Siamese) in the dusk darkness,
to a Pants-With-Nobody-Inside-Em orchard.
Yes, again the best picture of a day's jaunt -- no doubt because stuck in traffic (so, stationary), cropped, and a pure subject with which to begin.
At home, Harriet and I design and print program for tomorrow's White Horse (8pm, St. Gregory's, De Haro Street, San Francisco).