Thursday, February 7, 2008

February 7 - Flying Over the Internet

Before heading out, decide that another blog must begin as, to promote -- among other performances -- the 8pm, February 16 show at St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church (Potrero Hill), SF, featuring Flying Out the Mouth.

Quiz 3 for the Theoreticians, with examples from an Anonymous Organum composer (b. c. 970, Cunctipotens Genitor), Leonin, Richard the Lionheart, Perotin, Guillaume de Machaut, and Conrad Paumann (their music, mugs, and/or places of origin are over at

The school's internet is again reaching the music classrooms, so perhaps we can present coursework through the above blogspot site, now it has demonstrated the ability to incorporate audio, video, visuals, and text.

Home relatively early to continue work on the site, putting in more pieces and uploadinga fair amount of audio. Takes a while, but eventually we figure out that the file names from iTunes can only take up about two lines in Finder, if they are to be successfully loaded into Cyberduck, referenced from, and played on the blogspot site.
Yes, that last sentence wouldn't have made any sense 10-20 years ago....

Record 12 Preludes and Fugues: 2b Basic Policy on the Triads late.