Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 16 - There! Done It!

One moment! (He jerks the rope.) Stool! (He points with his whip. Lucky moves the stool.) More! There! (He sits down. Lucky goes back to his place.) Done it!

Four weeks, and somehow we put on a show (not Godot, with Janet Lohr as Pozzo in Act I, above, which was last summer, with more pics and some music at

So tonight, it was Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse: The White Horse

on a dark San Francisco night (what other kinds of night are there?)

at St. Gregory of Nyssa

with Harriet doing the curtain speech (even though, as with most places in which we've performed, there's no curtain -- but what dancing-saints mural in this case? ),

Suzanna doing Mice Suite No. 2 (first time in full [albeit faux] orchestration) and the syncretist White Horse Suite (nothing more than three excerpts respectively from Henry Miller in Brooklyn; Camino Real; and Cats, Dogs, and Divas),

and Harriet, Sarah, and Kat in the premiere of Flying Out the Mouth.

Also on the program, Cynthia Weyuker's voice-and-musical saw magic,

and Marilyn Pratt's high-flying Mozart.

We'll be recording Flying, beginning this week, and Mice Suite No. 2 in May. Meanwhile, here's Interlude: Bozos and Ozone from L.A. Stories,

[Bozos and Ozone
Mr. Bush zone and Ozone
Mr. Bush there you go a-
Gain Jack Kennedy
You're no Jack Kennedy
My dog Millie knows about more
Economics than these two
Bozos and Ozone (Man)
Mr. Bush zone and Ozone (Man)]

which will finally be premiered in its entirety on March 10 at Elliott and Marcus's performance space, on a program with two poets.

Great to see tonight, among above, Sharon Walters, Brian Rosen, Cecilia Chung and friend, Cynthia's flame, Music History students, and other friendly folks from here and there.