Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 6 - Not-So-Bourgeois Femmes et Gentilhommes

Louis (Loys) Bourgeois Old Hundredth for dictation

Four phrases of Half, 4 Quarters, 3 Halves
(though original above is augmented as Whole, Halves....)

Do Do Ti La Sol Do Re Mi
Mi Mi Mi Re Do Fa Mi Re
Do Re Mi Re Do La Ti Do
Sol Mi Do Re Fa Mi Re Do

Text, for the record, is

All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell;
Come ye before Him and rejoice.
The Lord, ye know, is God indeed;
Without our aid He did us make;
We are His folk, He doth us feed,
And for His sheep He doth us take.
O enter then His gates with praise;
Approach with joy His courts unto;
Praise, laud, and bless His Name always,
For it is seemly so to do.
For why? the Lord our God is good;
His mercy is for ever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.
To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
The God Whom Heav’n and earth adore,
From men and from the angel host
Be praise and glory evermore.

Late lunch at Berkeley Celia's which will be relocating Valentinesianly on February 14 -- the end of an era, which a moi, began when old Swarthmore College chum and Cal-econ-graduate-student-at-the-time Steve Blough

(This could be Steve -- or not -- found on international tax review, so would seem likely. Never remember him wearing a tie... Yeah, I think it is he... The years are admittedly passing....)

took me there after I interviewed at Marin Academy, way back in 1987, just before being offered the position.

Wow. I've known old Pedro on the left since perhaps back then -- marriage, birth of daughter Crystal, divorce, dates (blind and otherwise), long-term relationship with Harriet...

Rendezvous with Kat at Goat Hall for a Flying Out the Mouth rehearsal (8pm, February 16, at St. Gregory of Nyssa, 500 De Haro, SF) -- here she is below in my opera after Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, playing Lucky.

She is, of course, about a million times more attractive in real life, but what we won't do for music and theatre!

Score-and-parts check for San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra March Madness concert (8pm, 3/8, Old First Church, SF) at Erling's

and he shows me how to put up audio in blogspot -- and voila! We have it! First efforts may be found at, under 1974 Op. 1 Psalm 6.

JKB arrives for the semi-party and mentions that his Trinity Opera will not be allowed to do the 20-years-after-the-fact Bay Area premiere of John Adams's Nixon in China.

Alas. Chalk it up to a Communist plot.

Record Twelve Preludes and Fugues ("Topical"): 11. "Turn On, Boot Up" late.